Combating Muscle Loss from Weight Loss Injections with EMShape Neo®

Increasingly, patients seek medications like Ozempic, Mounjaro, or Semaglutides for health and weight benefits. These blockbuster meds control diabetes, weight, and inflammation. Known as GLP blockers, they lead to significant weight loss.
That’s great to slim down, however the rapid weight loss from these treatments can also lead to muscle loss and skin laxity, known as 'Ozempic butt' and 'Ozempic face.' Maintaining healthy muscle mass can be challenging as patients reduce overall caloric intake.
What are Semaglutides?
Branded semaglutide meds like Ozempic & Mounjaro regulate blood sugar & aid weight loss by mimicking GLP-1 protein.
Enhanced fullness and reduced appetite lead to significant weight loss. Terms like 'Ozempic butt' describe rapid muscle loss and sagging as weight decreases. Good muscle mass on semaglutides is crucial for health, bone density, and medical benefits.
Why Combine Semaglutides with EMShape Neo Treatments?
EMShape Neo is a non-invasive 30-minute body sculpting treatment using high-intensity concentrated magnetic muscle training (HICMMT) energy to induce supramaximal contractions on muscle groups throughout the body. Experience the transformative power of EMShape Neo’s HICMMT technology, inducing magnetic field powered muscle contractions and synergistic use of muscle groups that goes beyond voluntary exercise.
Combining EMShape Neo and Semaglutides
Patients on this class of medication injections often experience decreased muscle mass leading to skin laxity. The combination of semaglutides and EMShape Neo offers advanced medical and technological support for healthy weight loss, muscle tone maintenance, and overall benefits.
EMShape Neo Machines uses advanced muscle contractions to optimize muscle building in various areas compared to traditional exercise. With once weekly and bi-monthly maintenance sessions of EMShape Neo, patients can achieve a holistic approach to weight loss that optimizes health benefits, improves muscle mass, and enhances overall appearance and confidence.
Is EMShape Neo a Good Fit for your Practice?
EMShape Neo provides muscle building benefits for individuals seeking enhanced tone and strength. It is particularly advantageous for those on Ozempic-like medications aiming for healthier weight loss while enhancing muscle mass and core strength.
If you are a provider and want to help your patients address the 'Ozempic butt' or 'Ozempic face,' we highly recommend adding EMShape Neo to your menu of services. Contact MShape Beauty to learn more about Emshape Neo and how this treatment can elevate with clinical practice.